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Releasology Treatment Topics
To learn more about our 35 topics, we have provided two body charts, below. Left, is the anterior view of the body; right is the posterior view. These charts are anatomy illustrations with color coding to show how the body is divided into 5 element regions (red=earth; orange=water; yellow=fire; green=wood/air; cyan, blue and purple=ether/metal. They also show meridian pathways and the 7 chakras. Hover over any area and click to learn more:

Anterior View

Posterior View

Temas de liberación por
Región Anatómica:

(Haga clic en el tema para obtener más información)

Aprenda a regalar un cuerpo más feliz y saludable.

Haga clic aquí si recibió capacitación en Releasología de Royal

5 Divisions of Releasology Treatments:
(5 Elements theory, common to Ayurveda and TCM):

(click on any topic to learn more)

Kapha = Earth and Water


Dorsal Foot, Shin, Quadriceps, Infertility, Lumbar, Chakra 1, Stomach, Spleen, Acid Reflux, Chest Pain, Weight Loss/Thyroid, Nausea , Migraine, Jaw (TMJ)


Plantar Fascia, Calf, Hamstrings, Gracilis, Sciatica, Chakra 2, Kidney, Bladder, Upper Back, Neck, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Hearing, Scalp 

Pitta = Fire

Fingers, Palm, Wrist (Carpal Tunnel), Golfer's Elbow (medial elbow), Biceps, Armpit (axila), Chakra 3, Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Posterior Rotator Cuff, Anterior Rotator Cuff, Triceps and Rhomboid muscles

Vata = Air and Ether (Ayurveda) = Wood and Metal (Chinese Medicine)

Air (Ayurveda)/Wood (Chinese Medicine)

Lateral Shin/Ankle/Foot,  Knee, Gluteals, Tensor Fascia Latae, Iliotibial band, Sacroiliac, Chakra 4, Gall Bladder, Liver, Lateral Lumbar, Lateral Ribcage, Lateral Skull/Ear cartilage (not hearing)

Thumb, Index Finger, Tennis Elbow (lateral elbow), Top of Shoulder or Frozen Shoulder, Chakras 5, 6 and 7,  Pituitary, Vocalists and Nightmares

Releasology Aesthetics

Specialty Topics

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