Releasología para curar cualquier cosa
Nerves, glands and internal organs can all be pinched, or compressed, by muscles in spasm. This is the cause of most forms of chronic pain, endocrine problems and internal organ problems. Releasology is a set of 35 muscle release protocols designed to relieve these issues, improve athletic performance and enhance the body's natural beauty. Releasology is based on anatomical science and borrows concepts from Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine, specifically, Prana, Chi, the 5 elements, Nadis, Marmas, Chakras, meridians and points. Releasology is an integrated physical medical system that is both consistent with these sources, logical and something health practitioners from any of these disciplines can understand and relate to. First and foremost, Releasology is effective. The step by-step sequences of techniques described in each protocol is designed to provide reproducible and effective results. To learn more about our 35 topics, we have provided two body charts, below. Left, is the anterior view of the body; right is the posterior view. These charts are anatomy illustrations with color coding to show how the body is divided into 5 element regions (red=earth; orange=water; yellow=fire; green=wood/air; cyan, blue and purple=ether/metal. They also show meridian pathways and the 7 chakras. Hover over any area and click to learn more:
Kapha = Tierra y Agua
Dorso del pie , tibia , cuádriceps , infertilidad , lumbar , chakra 1, estómago , bazo, reflujo ácido , dolor en el pecho , pérdida de peso / tiroides , náuseas , migraña , mandíbula (ATM)
Fascia plantar , pantorrilla , isquiotibiales , recto interno , ciática , chakra 2, riñón, vejiga, parte superior de la espalda , cuello , vértigo , tinnitus , audición , cuero cabelludo
Pitta = Fuego
Dedos, palma, muñeca (túnel carpiano), codo de golfista (codo medial) , bíceps , axila, chakra 3, corazón, pericardio, intestino delgado, triple calentador, manguito rotador posterior, manguito rotador anterior, tríceps y músculos romboides
Vata = Aire y Éter (Ay urveda) = Madera y Metal (Medicina China)
Aire (Ayurveda)/ Madera (Medicina china)
Espinilla lateral/tobillo/pie, rodilla , glúteos , tensor de la fascia lata, banda iliotibial , sacroilíaco, chakra 4, vesícula biliar, hígado, zona lumbar lateral, caja torácica lateral, cartílago lateral del cráneo/oreja (no auditivo)
Pulgar, dedo índice, codo de tenista (codo lateral), parte superior del hombro u hombro congelado, chakras 5, 6 y 7, pituitaria, vocalistas y pesadillas
Releasología Estética
Temas de especialidad
Mejor respiración , liberación muscular vocal para aliviar el dolor Mejora y potencia vocal , pesadillas , insomnio, fatiga y depresión